Monthly Meetings

House Committee

Auxiliary Meeting

VFW Meeting

2024-2025 Officers
At the monthly meeting in April, elections were held for the 2024-2025 year. Our VFW Post 10148 officers for 2024-2025 are:

Post Commander - Dean Novotny
Senior Vice Commander - Troy Ensminger
Junior Vice Commander - Jason Jones
Quartermaster - Mike Forson
Chaplain - Greg Hemphill
Adjutant - Steve Scott
Judge Advocate - Rob Kane
Surgeon - Joe LLewellyn
One-Year Trustee - Vacant
Two-Year Trustee - Greg Hemphill
Three-Year Trustee - Dennis Fontecchio

Congratulations to our new officers!

Meeting Attendance
The best way for each member to help shape the direction of our Post is to attend meetings, speak up, and vote. Make every effort to attend Post meetings so that your voice on Post functions is heard!

If you miss a meeting, you can keep up by reading the Minutes for each meeting. Minutes are available at the Post for review.