Current Events
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Past Events
Inaugural Golf Tournament
The tournament was held Sunday, October 30, 2022 with 115 golfers participating. A BBQ was held at the Post after the event. Check the golf page for details on the funds raised for the three selected charities. Many thanks to all who participated and special thanks are
due to Steven Scott and Garrett Kuge for coordinating the tournament.
All-American Post
On 07/07/22, Past Post Commander Don Reott was informed by VFW National that Post 10148 earned All-American honors for 2021-2022. This is, best we know, the
first time Post 10148 has earned All-American and caps a superb VFW year in which the Post also earned All-State.
Every Post member, VFW and Auxiliary, who supported the Post in 2021-2022 can be truly proud for having contributed to Post 10148 achieving these significant
distinctions. Let's do it again for 2022-2023!
All-State Post
On 06/17/22 at the VFW Department of Florida Convention, on behalf of the many VFW and Auxiliary members who supported the Post over this past year, I
was honored to accept the All State recognition for VFW Post 10148 for 2021-2022. I especially wish to thank Suzanne Reott for the superb support from the
Auxiliary. The Auxiliary is key to the success of a Post.
According to Department records, All State honors have not been earned by Post 10148 in over ten years. My challenge to Post leadership is to run a VFW
Post worthy of this recognition again for 2022-2023. This will require effort from all in support of our Post!
Don Reott
Post Commander 2021-2022
Memorial Day
From the early morning wreath ceremony to the afternoon cookout on the deck to the moment of silence observed at 3:00 PM, Post 10148 members enjoyed a properly
reflective Memorial Day. Thank you to the many VFW and Auxiliary members who participated in the day's events.
Blood Drive
Once again Post 10148 coordinated a very successful Blood Drive! Thank you to the Post and community members who donated on May 15th and to the good folks at
OneBlood for their vital work. The Big Red Bus is scheduled to be in the Post parking lot every other
month on the third Sunday. Next Blood Drive will be July 17th.
Beach Cleanup on VFW Day of Service
Thank you to all who participated in the Post 10148 Beach Cleanup on Saturday, May 7th, especially the cadre of
AJROTC cadets from Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School. Thank you also to our community partners at Keep Brevard Beautiful for providing the cleanup gear. These type of events are at the heart of the core mission of Post 10148 -- support of
our community, our youth, and our Veterans.
Easter Brunch
Thank you to the Auxiliary for hosting this splendid event! Many families and friends enjoyed a wonderful Easter Brunch on April 17th featuring delicious dishes
donated by our VFW and Auxiliary members. Special thanks are due to Amber, Colleen, Garrett, Lisa, Lolo, Rhonda, and Suzanne for their good work in making this
event happen. Service to others is at the heart of the mission of the VFW and Auxiliary. Well done!
Post Field Day
On Tuesday, April 12th, volunteers conducted the semi-annual Post Field Day. Thank you to the VFW and Auxiliary members who spent many hours at the Post on
Tuesday conducting deep cleaning and maintenance of the building and grounds. Colleen, Denise, and Rhonda did a superb job behind the bar and in the kitchen.
Kim and Scott extensively cleaned the bathrooms, the dining area, and downstairs. Scott, Terry, and Don worked on the parking lot, the deck, and the cage area.
This twice per year work is essential for the proper upkeep of our Post. Next opportunity will be in September.
Blood Drive
Post 10148 salutes the many Post and community members who made our Sunday, March 20th, Blood Drive such a success. Thanks are also due to Post members Steve
Scott and Jeff Lakin for coordinating our involvement with oneblood. Look for the Big Red Bus in our parking lot again soon!
St. Patrick's Day
Delicious meal, fun music, and awesome camaraderie! The Post 10148 St. Patrick's Day celebration was enjoyed by all. Thank you to Colleen and Lisa for making
this a wonderful time for our VFW and Auxiliary members and their guests.
National VFW Auxiliary Visit
Post 10148 enjoyed hosting the National VFW Auxiliary Mid-Year Conference participants who visited 10148 as part of a "Post Crawl" event on Sunday, January 30th.
Thank you to Mike, Lisa, Colleen, and Suzanne for making the 100+ visitors from all over the country feel welcomed at our Post.
Coast Guard Support
On January 26, 2022, during a rainy Wednesday morning, Coast Guardsmen attached to USCGC Vigilant conducted a Field Day on the Post grounds. The team cleaned the
parking lot and squared away the landscaping areas on the north and south sides of the Post. Post 10148 thanks these fine young men led by BM2 Jerret Gosnell for
their excellent work.
Fire Extinguisher Training
The canteen staff was provided training by CBFD personnel on the proper use of a fire extinguisher. The training, accomplished on January 20, 2022, included the
opportunity to put out a controlled fire. The training's intention was to familiarize Post staff with the use of an extinguisher -- most having never used one.
An actual fire is not the time to figure out how to use an extinguisher. Thanks are due to Post member Dennis Weisend and Leanne Sawdy of the CBFD for
coordinating this training.
New Year's Eve
VFW and Auxiliary members and their guests enjoyed a New Year's Eve celebration with good drinks, good food, and great company! Thank you to the Post members who
coordinated the party and to the folks who stopped by to participate. Happy New Year!
Christmas Dinner
The Post hosted a Community Christmas Dinner on December 24th. Over 70 VFW and Auxiliary members, their guests,
and members of the local community participated in the dinner. A sincere thank you is extended to all the good folks who contributed to the dinner with food
items and/or service. We are at our best as individuals and as a Post when we demonstrate service over self.
Blood Drive
Post 10148 conducted a Blood Drive on Sunday, December 19th. The Post thanks all who took the time to make a donation! We also express our thanks to Frances
Eskew and the good people at OneBlood for making the drive happen.
CBFD AED Training
Post 10148 thanks Cocoa Beach Fire Department EMS Chief James Schindler for the excellent AED training provided to our hospitality staff on Thursday, December
16th. The Chief's subject mastery and instructional skills made for a very effective training session. The Post has a Lifepak CR Plus AED which is listed on
PulsePoint - an application that geo-locates you and the nearest AED in the event of an
emergency. A good app to add to your device!
Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy Winners
Representatives from Post 10148 met at Cocoa Beach High School and Satellite Beach High School to award our Post winners in the 2021 Patriot's Pen and Voice of
Democracy competitions. Lillie Jackson of Cocoa Beach High School won the Patriot's Pen competition and Craig Kruse of Satellite Beach High School won the
Voice of Democracy competition. Each received a certificate, a patriotic pin, and a check for $250. Congratulations to our winners!
Special Forces Breakfast
Area Special Forces personnel met at Post 10148 for a morning of fellowship and camaraderie. Organized by Dave Clukey, the event provided an opportunity to swap
stories while enjoying a great breakfast buffet. Special Forces breakfast gatherings will be held at the Post on the first Saturday of each month. All SF
personnel are invited to participate.
Cocoa Open Disc Golf Tournament
In late November, the Discalibur Disc Golf Club hosted the 2021 Cocoa Open disc golf
tournament. VFW Post 10148 was a hole sponsor for the event played at F. Burton Smith Park in Cocoa.
Tournament co-organizer and participant, Leo Smith (pictured), stated that ours was likely the favorite hole of all 100 players.
Beach Cleanup
The Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School Army JROTC and the Tsunami Swim Team joined VFW Post 10148 members to conduct a beach cleanup on Saturday, November
20th. Despite heavy morning rain and uncertain weather, the crew headed to the shore about 9:15 AM. The weather cleared and the cleanup crew removed a large
quantity of trash and debris from the beach. The event wrapped up with a cookout on the deck at the Post. The Post thanks Steve Scott and Dave Clukey for
coordinating this successful community event.
Veterans Day
Thank you to the VFW and Auxiliary members who participated in the Veterans Day events. From the morning flag raising through the evening toast, new and old Post
members enjoyed genuine camaraderie. To those Post members who did not attend, the next opportunity for Post participation is the Beach Cleanup on November
20th. Hope to see many on the deck for this community service event!
Halloween Party
VFW Post 10148 Auxiliary hosted a Halloween Party on Saturday, October 30th, from 7-11 PM. The event included a costume contest, free food, and great music.
Thank you to the Auxiliary volunteers and Colleen, our Canteen Manage, for such an enjoyable party!
9/11 Tribute
The Post hosted over 30 personnel from the Cocoa Beach Fire and Police Departments for a splendid evening of dining and entertainment on September 10th. Special
thanks are due to Canteen Manager Colleen Moody and her hospitality team for providing excellent service and to Matt Riley for the great entertainment.
Thanks are also due to VFW member Dennis Weisend for serving as our liaison with the Departments in coordinating the participation. Finally, we greatly
appreciate the Post members and the numerous local businesses who supported the event with cash donations and gift certificates. The evening was a wonderful
community event!
Labor Day
Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in
the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America's strength,
prosperity, and well-being. Read more at History of Labor Day.
VFW Post 10148 provided free hot dogs, chips, and water from 11 AM to 2 PM on September 3rd to members of the community and visitors to Cocoa Beach. It was a hot
Cocoa Beach afternoon, so many beachgoers stopped at our deck for some shade, a bite to eat, and some ice cold water.
Amber and Vadim Wedding
On Tuesday, August 31, 2021, Amber and Vadim were married in a wonderful ceremony on the beach. After the wedding, the couple celebrated with family and friends
at a reception at the Post. Everyone had a great time! Many thanks to all the guests who helped make this day so special for our good friends Amber and Vadim!
Fourth of July
The Post Fourth of July party was quite successful. Thanks are due to Chris and Vadim for manning the grill and to the many VFW and Auxiliary members who brought
sides and desserts to the event. All present enjoyed good food, good drinks, and good music with comrades, family, and guests!
Lolo's Birthday
On Sunday, June 13th, we had a wonderful time at Lolo's birthday party! Friends and family gathered at the Post to celebrate with Lolo, a long-time friend of
Post 10148 and an active member of the Auxiliary. Dressed as Rosie the Riveter, Lolo displayed her dancing talents with husband Gibby. Everyone present not
only enjoyed the great music, food, and drinks (thanks Lisa!) but also enjoyed the superb time celebrating with this awesome couple!
Memorial Day Weekend
From our Friday Steak Night through our Saturday Memorial Day Observance to the Monday visit to the Cape Canaveral National Cemetery, we had an eventful weekend
of camaraderie and remembrance. Thank you to all who participated in any of the weekend's events and thank you also to the cadre of comrades who volunteered
their time to make the events happen. Special thanks are due to Martin Freese who took charge of planning and executing our Memorial Day Observance. The
Observance was attended by over sixty Post and community members all present to honor our fallen heroes. Well done!

God Bless the USA!
Cinco de Mayo Celebration
A good time was had by all! Thank you to Colleen, Lisa, Mike, Richard, Lolo, Suzanne, Amber, Joe, and Seth for creating such a fun time for our Post members.
The great food, cold drinks, festive music, and good friends made for a superb celebration!
Renovation 2020
As of Valentine's Day, the Post has re-opened after the extensive renovation. Thanks are genuinely due to the many
Post members and community folks who contributed to the successful completion of this major project. Thank you for your assistance!
More event info available on Facebook.